#note1 My latest graph and maybe the most complex dito to analyze and understand, please read and study my introduction pages if this is to much to grasp. Another tip is to start with the last graph in the series and go on backwards, then you go easy at first and get more complexity an diversity later on. #Explanation #blockMODEL #lastGRAPH
#note2 Nearly all countries I studied had a lower mortality rate than usual in the months before their big 5G rollout phase. Hardware upgrade and change means lower emf rates during the work that has to be done! #Preparations #invertedCoverID19 #LowerMortalityRates
#note3 Highest increase in mortality numbers can be found during 5G mobile system setup work in dense populated areas, generally before public introduction of the actual XG base stations. Often a dip in EMRate can be present a week after a commercial 5G introduction, especially in the beginning of the 5G era. The dip is connected to an analyze phase of the live 5g system. During this week less setup activity is done by all operators in the area, simplifying analyze and lowering emf radiation. Sweden in the end of may 2020 is the prime example of that pattern. Preparation phases creates EMRate dips that are longer in time, hardware rollout, software updates and calculation takes its toll! #ThoughFakeMortalityDIPS
#note4 As long as no real and powerful flashback (low death rates) in mortality is occuring, health among the ordinary citizen is declining! #Important
- #UK #CoverID19 - If mortality rates were connected to some kind of virus or bacterial infection EMRates would not be as synchronized between England/Wales and Scotland as they de facto are, especially due to tough lockdown rules and practice! #inPHASE #4G/4.5G/5G
- #UK #HeartbreakRidge – Since february 2020 HEART disease deaths among younger people than normal has increased and is still a problem in the UK, deaths increase corresponds with the major introduction and build of 5G (light) base stations. An identical pattern (heart problems) started in 2012 when 4G mobile system was introduced in Great Brittain. #2012 >*18 < - >*19 < #2020 >*18 < - >*2 < - >*3 < - >*4 <
#maybeCONNECTED From 2010 in Sweden and Finland sleep dissorders started among young persons during the 4G introduction, though an injection was identified as the sleep disorder reason, hmm. I have also studied Okinawa (japan) after the introduction of 2G mobile system in 1991 and foreward, a similar pattern with heart related mortality increase could be found and after a couple of years mortality numbers in cancer also started to climb. Its an interesting pattern but still, more indipendent research is required. #UK #HeartbreakRidge
(Opens in New tab) --- Links/Sources --- (Opens in New tab)
-- > 00-EMRate < -- >*1 < -- >*2 < -- >*3 < -- >*4 < -- >*5 < -- >*6 < -- >*7 < -- >*8 < -- >*9 < -- >*10 < -- >*11 < -- >*12 < -- >*13 < -- >*14 < --
-- >*15 < -- >*16 < -- >*17 < -- >*18 < -- >*19 < -- 3G=>>*20 < -- C19=>>*C19-1 < -- >*C19-2 < -- >*C19-3 < --
(Opens in New tab) --- No to 5G --- (Opens in New tab)
-- >*N1 < -- >*N2 < -- >*N3 < -- >*N4 < -- >*N5 < -- >*N6 < -- >*N7 < -- >*N8 < --